Photo Booth Rentals in California
Want to find a super cool venue for your next party? Check out THE LOFT in Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone. It is a one of a kind art studio venue created by two local Santa Barbara entrepreneurs. With high ceilings, concrete floors and an iron-rail circular staircase to the upstairs loft, its design is art and its function is practical. It is a live work space that is now being made available to the public. We threw up our Santa Barbara Photo Booth there last year for a birthday party and had a great night. Check out a few pics from our booth attendants and spread the word!
Most of you {{LOVE}} having double prints, so your guests can keep a copy and you keep a copy. At Bluebird Photobooth we have options for our print styles. Not only can you choose BLACK and WHITE or COLOR but you can choose between PRINT LAYOUTS.
The STRIP STYLE is the traditional photo booth look. The bonus here is that you automatically get DOUBLE PRINTS included with no additional cost. It’s a 4×6 print that when cut in half is 2×6.
Our photobooth attendant will cut the strips for you right there. If you have a photobooth scrapbook/guestbook, our attendant(s) will then place the copy in the book and ask your guests to sign it.
The COLLAGE STYLE is a 4×6 print with the 4 photos arranged to fill the entire print. People like this style because each of the photos are larger and it fits in a 4×6 frame. If you choose this style and wanted double prints, you would pay the additional fee to print out a 2nd 4×6 each time. The sidebar is also larger on this print style.
There are actually endless formats and layouts we can configure. We can also print larger prints such as 5×7. Let us know if there is something else we can do to create the style or look you are hoping for.
Striving to give you the BEST photo booth options!
I knew immediately when I saw Lisa had this cute stamped bird that we HAD to have one! We will be using this Bird and Personalized Sign Magnet Board for various purposes on our booths! We needed a sign to hang when the booth is closed or to let guest know when it is open or…… anything! So fun!
We love Lisa Leonard Designs and treasure her beautiful and unique jewelry, she even made the jewelry for our bridesmaids at our wedding! Her family is lovely and she is an inspiration. IF you haven’t heard of her already, check out her website and read her blog.
© Copyright 2011-2013 Bluebird Photobooth · All Rights Reserved · Design by The Creative Arcade