Greetings Fabulous Photo Booth fans!
We wanted to take this moment to reflect on 2011, thank all of our outstanding clients, remember all the incredible wedding venue’s and other wedding professionals we worked with, and look forward to a bright 2012 in life and business. 2011 was truly a special year for us. We met many amazing wedding couples and were invited to be a part of their intimate wedding celebrations. We watched as grandparents and children alike put on goofy masks, wigs and mustaches, and struck poses in the Bluebird Photobooth worthy of inclusion in family albums for future generations to see. Have you ever seen your grandfather with a Jack Sparrow dreadlock wig? Your son and daughter with Renaissance masks and feather boas? We have. And we have proof!
And now for our fellow wedding venue’s and professionals. Thank you!! We have had the opportunity to work with some of the best wedding and event professionals around, and we appreciate your knowledge and experience. You are all truly inspirational to us and continue to push us to new highs in customer service and quality of offerings.
2012 has come quickly and our early signs indicate that it will be a very good year for us and the wedding industry as a whole. We received the 2012 Brides Choice Award from, an award which recognizes the top 5% of their very large wedding professionals list. We will be updating our website, including more and better services for our clients, and kicking the business into high gear. Our 2012 clients can expect to get the same exceptionally high quality digital images printed even faster, incredible photo strip guestbooks, tons of great props, custom features galore, top-notch service, and the best looking photo booth around.
So cheers to a Happy New Year, congratulations on your engagement, and let us know how we can support your business.
Very Sincerely,
Trina and Jason
Bluebird Photobooth
Bluebird Photobooth